Direct Plastics supply this easy to use, lightweight and long lasting PVC shiplap cladding board.
The H trim is for use where you need to extend the area of cladding beyond its 5m length. A piece of cladding can be inserted into either side of this trim and the cut edges are hidden. These trims are 5m in length and will create a vertical continuous joint.
Supplied in 5m lengths, 125 or 150mm heights, and White, Golden Oak or Rosewood colours to match in with Doors, Windows or other roofline products.
The board itself is roughly 9-10 mm thick and around 20mm overall due to the shape.
Boards are sold in single lengths as are all the other parts, excluding the cladding pins (250 per box) and the butt joints (packs of 5)
Low maintenance, attractive and highly weather resistant – an easy choice and highly adaptable. Useful for houses, dormers, sheds and garages.
Designed to be installed horizontally, there is a trim for any obstacle. Starter trims are required at the bottom of each area of cladding, and are supplied only in white (they are installed behind the first piece of cladding and so are not seen. Where the cladding will go around a corner the Angle Trim is to be used, this is a 2 piece item which will conceal the cut ends on each area of cladding.
The edge trim is used to make a neat finish to an area of cladding, for example up against brickwork, window frames and soffits.
Cladding nails are used to fix each length of cladding to the wooden batten behind, at a minimum of 600mm centres.